Evaluation of Some Agro-morphological Characteristics of Dwarf Snap Bean Genotypes Collected from Erzurum Province




Anahtar Kelimeler:

Snap bean- Dwarf- Yield- Genotypes- Erzurum


The study was conducted in the trial area of the Department of Horticulture at Atatürk University during the 2022 cropping season to evaluate some agro-morphological characteristics of the dwarf-type snap bean genotypes collected from Erzurum along with the commercial cultivars SARIKIZ and GINA have been widely cultivated there. The genotypes tested in the study showed statistically significant variations in terms of all parameters examined. Genotypes ERZ PA 28 and ERZ UZ 36 reached the earliest fresh maturity time by 58 days.  The genotype with the longest pod was ERZ NR 104 (17.35 cm); the genotypes with the widest pod were ERZ UZ 36 (15.29 mm) and ERZ TO 49 (15.43 mm); and the genotype with the thickest pod was ERZ İS13 (8.75 mm). The ERZ TO 49 genotype had the most pods per plant (32.41), the highest yield per plant (217.73 g), and the highest yield per square meter (1360.79 g/m2), while the ERZ UZ 35 genotype produced the heaviest average pod weight (8.63 g). Additionally, in terms of the number of pods per plant, yield per plant, and yield per square meter, ERZ PA 28 has been determined to produce the results that are closest to ERZ TO 49. According to the study’s findings, ERZ IS 13, ERZ PA 28, ERZ UZ 32, ERZ UZ 35, ERZ UZ 36, ERZ TO 48, ERZ TO 49, ERZ NR 104, ERZ PS 111, ERZ PS 115, and ERZ PS 116 genotypes yields per square meter was founded that higher than commercial cultivars and other genotypes, can offer the producer a sufficient level of yield.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

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