Fish Consumption Preferences of Consumers and Determination of Criteria Affecting Fish Consumption by Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHS) Method (Tokat Province of Almus District)




Fish, Consumer, Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHS), Consumption, Tokat


In this study, fish consumption preferences of the families living in the district of Almus in Tokat province and the factors that are effective in choosing them were investigated. In the scope of the study, the data obtained from face-to-face interviews with households were used. In the study, consumers prefer which of the alternatives of rainbow trout (Oncahorynchus myciss), carp fish (Cyprinus carpio) and spring fish (Silurus glanis) consumed most of the fish species found in Almus Dam Lake, and the importance level of consumer preference in this choice. the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was determined by the AHS method. Criteria consist of price, nutritional value, taste, freshness, bone condition, sold place, habit, hunting, aquaculture. It has been determined that the most attention is paid to the freshness (0.175) in the direction of the findings and that the criteria of taste (0.136), sold place (0.133) and food value (0.122) follow. In the preference of fish consumption, Rainbow Trout criterion was given priority with 48% points. İt is aimed to determine the importance level of the criteria that are effective in consumers ‘preference of fish consumption in the direction of obtained findings and to be a guide for fish farmers and sellers.



How to Cite

Dal, B., Kızılaslan, H., & Dal, T. (2019). Fish Consumption Preferences of Consumers and Determination of Criteria Affecting Fish Consumption by Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHS) Method (Tokat Province of Almus District). Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(10), 1526–1532.



Research Paper