Introduction and Morphological Description of the Classic Hünkâri Pigeons in Türkiye




Honcheria (Hünkâri) Pigeon, Levene F test and Student's t test, Satinette, Blondinette, Frill, Crest, Feathered leg


The Turkish classic Honcheria (Hünkâri) pigeon is one of the most famous ornamental and exhibition pigeon breeds in Turkey. The aim of this study is to introduce the Hünkâri breed and investigate its morphological characteristics. Body length, beak length, wingspan, tarsal length, middle finger length, chest width and tail length were measured by using 100 individuals and the live weight was determined. For the statistical analysis of morphometric difference among gender, the Levene F test for equality of variance and Student’s t test for equality of mean values as part of the t-test of independent samples were applied to data of measurements. In addition, during the discussions with the Hünkâri breeders, notes were made on the morphological characteristics of these birds. Classic Hünkâri pigeons are small birds within the pigeon species. There are no statistically significant differences between genders variances of the morphometric traits except for the beak length. On the other hand, the mean values of the females for body length, wingspan, chest width, tail (feather) length and body weight of the adults are statistically lower than those of the males (P≤0.05). Typical is the distinctive frill on the neck, the feathered legs, the peak crest, and the medium to short beak. The shield and tail marked birds are known as satinette in international literature; whole body-colored birds are called blondinette. Hünkâri pigeons must be preserved and sustained because of their historical and cultural significance, as well as the fact that they fascinate pigeon lovers with their colors, lace, and types, so that future generations can also benefit from these animals for hobby purposes.


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How to Cite

Türkeş, M., & Gündüz, S. (2024). Introduction and Morphological Description of the Classic Hünkâri Pigeons in Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(1), 22–32.



Research Paper