Effects of Land Consolidation on Rural Development and Sustainability





Land consolidation, Rural development, Sustainability


Although the term land consolidation was first used in Germany in the fourteenth century, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that it was put into practice to challenge land fragmentation. The purpose, scope and function of land consolidation, which had been traditionally implemented to deal with land fragmentation, has expanded over time. Modern implementation forms have spread to a wider range of areas such as agri-environment, rural landscape and village regeneration. This study evaluates the effects of land consolidation on rural development and sustainability considering its evolution in the historical process and the differentiation of its purpose, scope and functions. The purposes of consolidation practices have turned into rural development tools over time and have become a means to provide practices and fundamental services for fulfilling the measures to ensure rural development and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Balcı, D., & Gün, S. (2023). Effects of Land Consolidation on Rural Development and Sustainability. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 11(9), 1756–1767. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v11i9.1756-1767.6086



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